After the great achievement that we had with our Endless shelves at the HOMI Design Competition, our last creation is ready to be shown in the first edition of the Milan Fall Design Week!
Last day at HOMI Design Competition 2016, we couldn’t be any prouder of the achievement we reached with our Endless shelves, our new product that can be used in so many different ways, designed by
HOMI Design Competition 2016 is among us and, as we announced, we will be there with our new Endless creation. Everything is ready and this special project is about to be revealed! Are you ready?
The international magazine Suite, a milestone for architects, designers and hotel managers, wrote an article about our factory and about our beloved Curvy bookcase!
We are glad to announce that an our exclusive product will participate in September at the HOMI Design Competition 2016, promoted by the Region of Lombardy in partnership with Unioncamere Lombardia
News in the house! Our tables Cooper and Flai are now extendable! Is it now possible to make an extendable version with 1 or 2 extensions, one on the left and one on the right.
La Formenti Arredamenti da Cabiate (Como) ha fatto nascere nel 2005 il brand “milanomondo”, in modo da fondere il potenziale della produzione artigianale con un’arte orientata al design.
Arredamenti Diotti A&, based in Lentate sul Seveso, Italy, is our shop of the month!
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